Your Site

Hmmm... Macavity wants to see the movie Contact, but I think he's a bit confused...Here you will find tips, tricks, and what-not for making and/or improving your own CATS site. We'll start with places you can get space to make your site:

Name: Geocities - Rating: *
Tripod - **
Freeservers - ****
Angelfire - ***
Xoom - ***

How 'bout some great programs to help make your site? (Note: not all of these are free, but all are good! Some require knowledge of HTML)
Claris HomePage (I use this)
Adobe PageMill
Adobe GoLive (expensive, but oh-so-cool and waaay pro)
Arachnophilia (free, but requires HTML)
Netscape Composer (comes with Navigator)
Microsoft FrontPage (comes with Explorer)

Now a basic list of do's and don'ts when creating your site (very important):

Organize your site with invisible tables
Provide easy navigation links/buttons
Make your text easy to read
Create a fast-loading first page
Indent your text
Stick to one alignment

Don't (please!):
Use background images or colors that make the text hard to read
Give your tables thick borders
WrItE eVeRy oThEr LeTtEr In CaPs
Crowd your text on the edge of the page
Crowd your page with graphics that make it take forever to load
Mix alignments (either center it all, or don't center any of it)

As for graphics, well, I can make you some for free, or else, Jellylorum. I mean, Jellylorum's site has some good graphics ready-made that you can download.

PTJM--Home again!